At the 15th Slovenian Conference on Plant Protection with International Participation (1-2 March 2002, Portorož), an event at which 84 oral presentations and 50 posters were presented, considerable attention of about 330 participants has received the poster presentation “Non-chemical control of Lymantria dispar in different European countries by using traps and pheromones” by Agrafioti et al. This is the first presentation of our project in the international arena. The conference, which was actively attended also by members of the University of Ljubljana, which is a partner in the LIFE eGYMER project, was also attended by the project coordinator prof. Christos Athanassiou. Prof. Athanassiou was also a guest at the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, where he got acquainted with the activities of the Slovenian partner in the project. Together, they also visited locations in NE Slovenia, where experiments with pheromone baits will be carried out in the coming months.
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LIFE eGYMER at the15th Slovenian Conference on Plant Protection