Svetovalni Odbor
Dimitrios N. Avtzis

Dimitrios N. Avtzis (Dr. rer. nat. / FRES) did his BSc (MSc equivalent) in the School of Forestry and Natural
Environment (AUTH-Greece), and then continued at the Institute of Forest Entomology, Forest Pathology and Forest
Protection (University of Life Sciences and Natural Resources, BOKU, Vienna, Austria), where he concluded his PhD
on the “Phylogeography of the Pityogenes chalcographus, ecological aspects” under the supervision of Dr. Christian
Stauffer. Later on, he received an excellence grant from AUTH Research Committee and conducted a post-doctoral
research at the School of Forestry and Natural Environment (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Greece) on the
project “Study and analysis of the genetic diversity of the bark beetle Pityogenes chalcographus and its host tree Picea
abies in the southernmost region of their distribution”. Since 2010, he is the Main Reesearcher in Forest Entomology at
the Forest Research Institute (Hellenic Agricultural Organization Demeter). He has participated in and coordinated 7
international and 12 national research projects, and has published 66 articles in SCI journals. He has numerous
contributions in national and international conferences, and has served both as Reviewer and Editor in high ranked
journals in Forest Entomology and Biology in general. Finally, he is Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO WP 7.03.05
“Ecology and management of bark and wood boring insects”.
Milan Pernek

Dr. Milan Pernek did his PhD on the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry on pathogens of fir bark beetles. He spend a year on a project under the supervision of prof. Rudolf Wegensteiner in Vienna, Austria at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) and received also a fellowship of the Ministry of Science of Austria and a Fellowship of BOKU. He conducted post-doctoral research in Pineville, Louisiana (USA), at the USDA Southern Research Station, with the principal subject Phoretic mites – preparation and identification, supervised by Dr. John C. Moser. Between 2004 and 2019 he was Head of the Division of Forest Protection at Croatian Forest Research Institute, Jastrebarsko, Croatia, where he is still working as senior researcher dealing with forest pests and diseases. He has led 16 national and international research projects, and has published 50 articles in SCI journals. He has numerous contributions in national and international conferences, and has served both as Reviewer and Editor in high ranked journals in Forest Entomology and Biology in general. Finally, he is member of the EPPO Forest Panel dealing with alien forest pests.